Thought of the Day June 19, 2018 Culture of death

By 10:26 AM

What does this culture of death look like?  It is an attempt to capture the mind and will of people and to shape the moral values not according to the Gospel of life but the gospel of profit, not according to the Gospel of truth but the gospel of deception, not according to the Gospel of the Commandments but the gospel of  pleasure and satisfaction, not according to the Gospel of faith but the gospel of feelings, not according to the Gospel of the one true God but the gospel of the gods secularism and materialism.

What are the slogans of the culture of death and the gospel of the world? Might makes right; me first; if it feels good, it must be good; everybody is doing it; there is no objective truth or morality, everything is subjective and relative; the rights of the individual is supreme over all other rights; it is a woman’s right to choose to conceive or not, to abort or not; it is a dog eat dog world.

What are some of the fruits of this culture of death and the gospel of pleasure and satisfaction?
1) Millions of abortions performed each year.
2) Over 1 million children have been abused each year.
3) Each year several million of teens infected with a sexually transmitted disease each year
4)  Over 10,000 people between the ages of 16 and 24 die each year in alcohol-related accidents of various kinds.
6) More than one million divorces occur per year in the US; A steady rise in the number of single-parent householders; one third of all school-aged children live with one parent; in more than 50% of all households, both parents must seek employment outside the home; mobility: more than 20% of American families change their residence annually or more often.
7) It is estimated that right now around the globe, there are 170 million drug abusers.
This is just the tip of the iceberg.

What is the answer?  “Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you may judge what is God’s will, what is good, pleasing and perfect.”

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