Thought of the Day February 3, 2025 Today's prophets

By 11:04 AM

 For centuries the world has tried to live without God. Yet, "loneliness, isolation, lack of friendship and intimacy, broken relationships, boredom, feelings of emptiness and depression, and a deep sense of uselessness" still plague humanity in spite of its scientific advances. Each century, each decade, each day, the world needs not intellectual prophets but God-led prophets, who cry out "return to the Lord, with all your heart."  By virtue of Baptism and Confirmation each of us is gifted, anointed and empowered to be that witness needed by the people around us, who are in need of God's love and compassion, mercy and forgiveness, healing and hope. Be open and pray each day to be available to God in whatever way he desires to minister through you. Then, watch God at work

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