Thought of the Day February 24, 2016

By 10:10 AM

"We need to be receiving antennas that are tuned into the Word of God, in order to become broadcasting antennas! One receives and transmits. It is the Spirit of God who makes the Scriptures come alive, who makes us understand them deeply and in accord with their authentic and full meaning....What place does the Word of God have in my life, in my everyday life? Am I tuned into God, or into the many buzzwords, or into myself? This is a question that every one of us needs to ask him or herself." (Pope Francis) Lent is a grace time to allow the Word of God to transform us daily. Spending some time each day reading and reflecting on the Scriptures would give us the necessary spiritual food we need both to survive and to grow. If we spend time reading other things or viewing other things on the television or internet, then we have time to delve into the Word of God.

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