Thought of the Day August 17, 2017 Solitude

By 9:31 AM

"How can we stay in solitude when we feel that deep urge to be distracted by people and events? The most simple way is to focus our minds and hearts on a word or picture that reminds us of God. By repeating quietly: "The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want," or by gazing lovingly at an icon of Jesus, we can bring our restless minds to some rest and experience a gentle divine presence. This doesn't happen overnight. It takes a faithful practice. But when we spend a few moments every day just being with God, our endless distractions will gradually disappear." (Henri Nouwen)  Jesus invites into the quiet so that we may have communion with him, who is our ultimate goal. To remain in the quiet is not easy as most of us have experienced. Like anything else it takes discipline and perseverance. The fruit of this communion is beyond measure. Begin with a few minutes and gradually extend it. Do not get discouraged.

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