Thought of the Day January 17, 2019 Joy comes from relationship with God

By 10:14 AM

In John 15:11, Jesus says: “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.” Jesus spoke these words in the context of the relationship between the vine and the branches.  As the branch that remains attached to the vine shares in the life of the vine and bears fruit, so, Jesus says, when we remain in him by acting on his word, we will share in his joy. Do you have the joy of the Jesus in you? Do you want more of the joy of the Jesus?

What is the joy of Jesus? Just as our joy comes from our relationship with Jesus, so his joy in his humanity came from his intimate relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit.  There was a bond of intimate love between the Father and the Son both as Son of God and Son of Man. Jesus knew this love early on in his life. As he grew in wisdom, age and knowledge before God and man, Jesus became clearly aware of his full identity as the Son of God and of his mission as the Messiah. In his joyful excitement he desired to make a public demonstration of his love response to the Father. He chose to totally obey the will of the Father, no matter the cost, even to lay down his life.

By going down to the Jordan and allowing John the Baptizer to immerse him into the water would be this public manifestation response. This event was a joyful kairos moment in the life of Jesus. (To be continued)

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