Thought of the Day October 4, 2021 Rejoice in the Lord.

By 11:00 AM

"The fruit of the joy from the Spirit comes from within, regardless of what is going on around  one. On the other hand, happiness can be a blurred emotion, dependent on a given situation. Joyful people make a commitment to gratitude regardless of the circumstances. Happiness can come and go depending on circumstances and experiences. True joy endures, since it is rooted in a relationship with God." (Anonymous) 

Everyone of us have met people who were truly people of joy no matter their circumstance. We have also met people who may be happy today but down the next day. We sometimes envy the people whose joy is sustained, rather than learn and practice their secret. The source of their joy is not themselves or their circumstances. It is rooted in their relationship with Jesus. Their encounter with Jesus has changed their way of looking at things. He is their reason for existence and the source of their strength. But this encounter has to be sustained if the joy is to continue. As a person grows in relationship with Jesus, so they are able to remain joyful no matter the circumstance. But if Jesus is not the center of their lives, then the joy begins to wane. St. Paul was aware of this, so he wrote: "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I say, rejoice in the Lord." Or as the Psalm proclaims: "The joy of the Lord is my strength." Choose joy over happiness and your happiness will be joy-filled.

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