Thought of the Day November 16, 2023 God's presence within

By 10:35 AM

 There is a story about a little girl who was standing with her grandfather by an old-fashioned open well. They had just lowered a bucket and had drawn some water to drink. She asked her grandfather: “Lolo, where does God live?” the old man picked up the little girl and held her over the open well. “Look down the water,” he said, “and tell me what you see.” ‘I see myself,” said the little girl. ‘That’s where God lives,” said the old man, “He lives in you.

How awesome a revelation from God! From the moment of our baptism, when God graced us with his indwelling presence by sharing his own divine life, God dwells in us as long as we remain in the state of grace. When we receive his Body and Blood in Eucharist, God strengthens his life in us. When we sin and receive his forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, God restores his life. With St. Paul, we truly can say, "I live now, not I, but the life I live is Christ in me." We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. We carry the life of God in us, like a light in the midst of darkness. Reflect on this mystery and be in grateful awe of the presence of God within you.

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