Thought of the Day November 2 , 2023 They are in peace

By 1:16 PM


"To remember my mother does not mean telling her story over and over again to my friends, nor does it mean pictures on the wall or a stone on her grave; it does not even mean constantly thinking about her. No. It means making her a participant in God’s ongoing work of redemption by allowing her to dispel in me a little more of my darkness and lead me a little closer to the light. In these weeks of mourning she died in me more and more every day, making it impossible for me to cling to her as my mother. Yet by letting her go I did not lose her. Rather, I found that she is closer to me than ever. In and through the Spirit of Christ, she indeed is becoming a part of my very being."

Those, who have died in Christ, are living with Christ. They have made the journey, fulfilling their destiny willed by God. Now, they continue their new mission, namely, praying for us to have a successful journey from here to the Lord. They are more alive in glory than they were here. For in glory, there is no more suffering or pain, crying out or fear. There is only joy, peace, love, fulfillment and  eternal union with God. They can't wait for us to join them to see for ourselves what God has in stored for us. We pray to and for them. They pray for us to the Father.

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