Thought of the Day August 28, 2020 Heed the truth

By 11:12 AM

The lies that the Devil sows in the heart of Christians are sown to distract and discourage, to confuse and to contradict, to divert and to dilute the truth. This was the intent of the Father of lies when he tempted Eve. He starts with a half truth until we fall for the lie. Like a fisherman, once we fall for the bait he pulls us in. He is subtle and persistent. Because he has lost relationship with God, he seeks to destroy our relationship with God, by separating us from the Source of our life.


Like our ancestors, we are gullible to the sham of the Devil. We have fallen many times because we give him the time of day. We are lured by him into thinking that on our own we will win. He has been at this game of trickery  longer than we have been alive. It is call divide and conquer.


What we fail to do is to remember that we do not have to fight the battle. Jesus has already done that in our stead. We need to keep our heart rooted in Jesus and get behind him, fixing our eyes on him. His strength is sufficient, while on our own we are weak. He will speak the truth of his love to us, countering the lie of the Devil. Listen to his voice and remain free.

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