Thought of the Day August 5, 2020 Gift of my existence

By 9:56 AM

Have you ever reflected on your existence? Are you an accident or a conscious choice of God before your parents conceived you? The Scriptures tell us that before time began, God foreknew us and chose us to exist at a particular time and place. Why? God is love and love desires to express itself outside of self, not for itself but for the other. My existence has less to do with me than with God. I do not deserve to exist, but do as a pure gift of God. 

Not only do l exist out of love, but I have been created in God’s own image and likeness, with the ability to know and choose and to live eternally. But God was not finished. He sustains me in being every second of my existence. Why? The catechism says that I was created to know, love and serve God so that I might be happy with him. Though I am a creature of God, I am unique in so far as God’s desire for me. What should my response be today and each day? Consciously and intentionally out of love to live in union with God in a spirit of loving gratitude. I can't repay God for his love shown in creating, endowing, sustaining and calling me to something greater, but I can respond with love.

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