Thought of the Day July 6, 2022 The choice this age or the way of the Lord

By 10:55 AM

 "Do not choose to be conformed to this age, but instead choose to be reformed in the newness of your mind, so that you may demonstrate what is the will of God: what is good, pleasing and perfect." (Rom 12:2)

When St. Paul mentions not "to be conformed to this age", we can very easily apply his words to our present situation. The evils around us want to be all consuming. But the same can be said of every age before us and after us. The evils may be different but the response will always be the same for those who truly follow the Lord. It is a choice before us: the way of this age or the way of the Lord, the wide road, leading to eternal destruction or the narrow road, leading to eternal life. Joshua and the Chosen People had the same choice.  The choice is easy even though the living out of that choice will be demanding. Like Joshua we are called to proclaim and live out the choice. For me and my household, we will follow the Lord.

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