Thought of the Day November 25, 2024 The difference

By 9:29 AM

 “Everyone must do what he can.  I am not able to do great things, but what I can, I want to do for the greater glory of God. I offer him my mere deeds.” St. Dominic Savio (1852-1857)


It is not the deeds that are important before God, as much as the love in which we do our deeds. A parent receives and appreciates a wilting, wild flower from a child, given in love, more than any material object of far greater value.  What is done in love, no matter how great or insignificant, is of the greatest value. A cup of cold water given in love is more important than all the monumental deeds of famous people. Mix love in the batter of all you do, little or great, and the results will worthy of heaven. Without love, it is only another human deed of no lasting value.

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