Thought of the Day July 13, 2021 God on journey with us.

By 9:52 AM

 Take heart, my son; you would not be searching for me unless I had already found you. (St. Augustine)


While we are journeying to God, God is journeying towards us. In fact, he began the journey before we realized it. He began in journey by choosing to create us in his own image and likeness and by redeeming us from the eternal death that awaited us. As part of his journey to us he became one like us in all things but sin to show us his great love and desire for us. We began the journey without knowing or understanding when we were baptized and adopted as his sons and daughters. While we have not always been steadfast and faithful because of our sinful choices which led us away from him, God has not stopped calling us by name to himself. He has sent his angels to guide our steps to him. He doesn’t wait for us in some distant heaven, but he walks with us and carries us on his shoulders when we are weak. Jesus confirmed his presence with us on journey when he said: "I will be with you till the end."


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