Thought of the Day June 15, 2022 Eucharistic presence

By 8:34 AM

 "When you approach the tabernacle remember that he has been waiting for you for twenty centuries." (St. Josemaria Escriva)

How blessed are we to have the presence of Jesus in our day, in our midst in the tabernacle of our Church! But how often the church is empty with people passing by or nearby without stopping. God has and continues to do great things for us, how do we respond? God desires to remain with and in us. He gives us his Body and Blood to be in us. He remains present in the tabernacle to be with us. We are a priority for him. Is he a priority for us? He doesn't need us, but we are totally dependent upon him even to exist. Yet, how do we respond to him? Going before the tabernacle is one way we can express our gratitude. We make time for those we want to be with. We can make time to be with him, if we want, even if it is only for a few minutes a week. 

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