Thought of the Day June 2, 2022 The Holy Spirit and Mary

By 10:25 AM

 The Blessed Virgin Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit from the moment she was conceived in her mother's womb. For she was conceived by God's grace from from Original Sin and sharing in the divine life of God. That is what the Angel confirmed at the Annunciation. He called her "full of grace."  At that event, she was told that she would conceive the Savior of the world by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. 'And the Word became flesh." In turn, Mary became the first evangelizer, going to her cousin Elizabeth and bringing the blessing of the child in her womb to the child in Elizabeth's womb. And Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit confirms the motherhood of Mary and that the child was the Lord. Mary with great joy then praises God for all he has done for her and through her.

Mary was at the foot of the cross when Jesus handed over his Spirit to the Father and Jesus' side was pierced from which blood and water flowed. Mary was with the Apostles and the hundred and twenty in the Upper Room on Pentecost when she received a fresh outpouring of the Spirit, now as the Mother of the Church. Her role was to walk with the early Church, sharing with them her memories of Jesus' early life. She acts as a witness of what  it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit as an icon of holiness and a witness to the Risen Lord. As our Mother, she leads us to a deeper relationship with Jesus in the Spirit to the Father. As we prepare for the celebration of Pentecost, we too pray through the intercession of our Lady for a greater openness and response to the fresh outpouring of the Spirit at this time of our lives. Come, Holy Spirit, come.

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