Thought of the Day December 7, 2022 Our debt

By 9:57 AM

 Today is the Feast of St. Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church. I came across this quote from him for our reflection during Advent. "The rich man who gives to the poor does not bestow alms but pays a debt.”

We can apply this to all of us. Because of Jesus's death and resurrection we have been given the greatest gift of all, redemption and eternal life with God. When we die, that will be our entrance ticket into the eternal kingdom of God. Sharing in the life of God is our treasure. So, when we give alms to someone this Advent, it is not so much an act of charity but a payment on the debt we owe to God for sharing his life with us. It is a debt we can never hope to pay back. But our sharing with others is one way we can express our gratitude to God. The opportunity to give to another is a greater blessing for us more than to the other.

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