Thought of the Day February 16, 2024 Lenten diet

By 9:54 AM

 Lenten diet – 1. Eat your words, 2. Swallow your pride, 3. Digest Gods teachings, 4. For dessert, indulge in prayer.” What a menu for fasting! And to complete the Lenten trio: share with the poor.”

Lent is a time of conversion and transformation, a time of change of direction in our lives, a time of spiritual renewal. Where do we possibly offend God the most? In our words. How often it is easy to slip into a half truth, to allow anger to erupt in us, to speak unkindly to and about others, to gossip, to take the Lord's name in vain?  The root of all sin is pride. When we crush this, we will be more in union with God. How often to we immerse ourselves in the Word of God, rather than secular readings? Our Lenten diet of this sort could drastically change our lives and unite us more closely with God.

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