Thought of the Day September 18, 2017 True self worth

By 9:27 AM

Reflecting on Paul's Letter to the Philippians 2:5-11, what do we learn from the life and teachings of Jesus on the mystery of self-emptying and servanthood?

When the Word embraced our humanity through the incarnation, he wasn't less who he was. He was still God. Entering into the servitude of humanity did not detract from his divine person. Jesus' self-esteem was not tarnish because of his human flesh, which was subject to suffering, feelings, pain and eventually death by crucifixion. Jesus knew and was reaffirmed by the Father that he was the beloved Son, on whom the Father's favor rested. His self- worth and self-acceptance were not shattered by the non-acceptance of others nor by the menial ministry he undertook for the sake of others. He was who he was whether he was called a blasphemer or a healer, whether he sat with his disciples to a meager meal or at the table of a rich villager, whether he touched lepers or sinners touched him.

For us to accept the limitations of our fallen humanity and seek to remain and grow in our relationship of dependence upon God does not lessen who we are. We are sons and daughters of the Father; we are redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus and gifted and empowered by the Spirit. Herein lies our true worth and self-esteem: our relationship with God, sharing his divine life as his adopted sons and daughters. "Man is worth what he is worth before God and nothing more." (St. Francis of Assisi)

Our ministry or service doesn’t change or impact negatively on our personhood. But our personhood–our self-identity and self-acceptance–impacts on our ministry and service.

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