Thought of the Day January 21, 2021 Jesus and prayer of praise

By 10:24 AM

"There is hostility in the villages along the lake, where Jesus had performed so many prodigious signs(See Mt 11:20-24). Now, precisely in this disappointing moment, Matthew relates a truly surprising fact: Jesus does not lift up a lament to the Father, but rather He raises a hymn of jubilation: 'I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth', says Jesus, 'that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to babies' (Mt 11:25) So, in the midst of a crisis, amid the darkness of the soul of so many people,...Jesus blesses the Father; Jesus praise the Father." (Pope Francis) 

Jesus praises the Father for who he is and for what he does. He is the Lord of heaven and earth. Isn't this the pattern Jesus taught us how to pray? "Our Father, who are in heaven, hallowed be your name." We praise God for who he is because of who we are in relation to him. He  is our Father, because we are, by the grace of adoption, his beloved sons and daughters. We also praise God for what he does daily in our lives. He sustains us, forgives us, protects us and delivers us from evil. Let your prayer today rise up to God from a grateful, praising heart. 

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