Thought of the Day May 10, 2022 "I am the glory of God."

By 10:47 AM

St. John Eudes once said: "I am the glory of God." Can I relate with that and proclaim the same truth? This reflects a similar statement by St. Ireneaus: "The glory of God is man fully alive, but the life of man  is the vision of God." Jesus said: "I came that they may have life, life to the fullest." Ponder on the truth these sayings are proclaiming. God created us in his own image and likeness. Jesus redeemed us so that we can reflect the glory of God as we share his divine life. The more we are growing in relationship with God, the more his life becomes our life, then his glory is manifested in and through us. We are the glory of God by his grace and love. We grow in his life and become more fully alive by his grace and love. But when we cooperate and embrace the gift of his life, living in it in love, then the glory of God becomes a visible reality to others. Repeating often "I am the glory of God." may enable the truth to be embraced and lived.

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