Thought of the Day May 11, 2022 Wait upon the Lord.

By 11:09 AM

 When we want to ask God for something, it is on our timing. But when we want to hear from the Lord, it is on his timing. Many times it is hard to wait on the Lord. We would want a quick response. The fact is we are in control only of our own request; we are not in control of God's response. He is God and we are not. We know this but we still wonder why the answer is slow coming. Maybe God is really waiting upon us to be in the right frame of mind to receive his answer. It may not be what we want to hear, but it is the best for us in God's eternal plan for us. God's delay may be because we are not ready. The answer is yes, but not yet. In all this process, God is calling us to surrender to him: to his timing and to his answer. It is not the answer that is most important to God. It is our relationship with him. Will this draw us closer to him or not? Be still and know that he is God.. Wait upon the Lord with confidence in his desire for the best for you.

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