Thought of the Day May 12, 2022 Divine appointments

By 10:15 AM

 Each day of our lives God has divine appointments for us to keep. Many of us are so busy with our own agenda that we miss those grace moments. They are not interruptions but opportunities to be Christ to another person. This is our mission as a disciple/witness. What would have happened if Peter and John walked passed the man begging at the Temple gate, as so many other people did? Here was an opportunity for the Good News of salvation to be proclaimed in signs and words. Because they were opened to the move of the Holy Spirit, they stopped and did what God wanted them to do in the moment. We need to pray every day, asking God to enable us to be attentive to the divine appointments he may have for us. It may be a phone call; it may be an act of love to another person; it may be taking time and actually praying for a person when they ask us to. God calls us to be instruments of his love to others through these divine appointments. Be attentive. Be open. Be responsive.

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