Thought of the Day November 4, 2022 Protect the gift

By 10:43 AM

 As we celebrate the feast of St. Charles Borromeo, I share this quote from him.  If a tiny spark of God’s love already burns within you, do not expose it to the wind, for it may get blown out. Keep the stove tightly shut so that it will not lose its heat and grow cold. In other words, avoid distractions as well as you can."

Another way of looking at this is from the gift of his Divine Life, which he gives as a sign of his love. How conscious are we, not only in keeping this gift, but growing in it? What negatively impacts this gift? Sin. This is the distraction he is referring to. Sin is non love. Sometimes we are more conscious of other things impacting our lives, such as our weight, our looks, what others think of us, than the temptations that lead us to sin.  A little breeze may not snuff out the spark of fire within us, but a blast of wind can. But even the constant little breeze will have it's effect on the spark of life within us. Be attentive and watchful.

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