Thought of the Day June 14, 2016

By 9:28 AM

We read in the scriptures that we are to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect or in another place we are called to be holy as our Heavenly Father is holy. These are not options, but mandates; not for a few but for all. What prevents us from reaching a greater degree of perfection or holiness? St. Paul reminds us of the law of sin within us or the effects of original sin. But he also assures us that in and with Christ we can overcome these and grow in perfection and holiness. The more we fall in love with Jesus and the more he is truly the Lord of our lives, the more we will then see the difference in our lives that he can and will make. This will not be easy, but very possible to reach if we begin and never give up. I can never equal God's perfection or holiness and I am not suppose to. But I can be more perfect and holier than I am now, yet only by his grace.

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