Thought of the Day, June 3, 2016

By 9:59 AM

This Solemnity of your Sacred Heart gives me a moment of pause to reflect once more on your unconditional, life-giving love. Above all, I thank you for your love shown in many ways, but specifically in creating me in your own image and likeness, in redeeming me through your passion, death and resurrection, in your indwelling Spirit within me, in  your many graces and ultimately to be one with you forever in eternal glory and union. All of this and more because of your love, independent of any response I may give! I can understand why St. Paul exclaimed: "Who can separate us from the love of God." What response should I give, if not love, even knowing my love falls short? The other response, namely separating myself from you through sin is not an option of one who loves you.

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