Thought of the Day March 12, 2020 Confronting sin

By 11:00 AM

"Many people think that they are achieving great things in external  works such as fasting, going barefoot and other such practices which are called penances. But true penance, and the best kind of penance, is that whereby we can improve ourselves greatly and in the highest measure, and this consists in turning entirely away from all that is not God, or of God in ourselves and in all creatures, and in turning fully and completely towards our beloved God in an unshakable love so that our devotions and desire for him become great."  - Meister Eckhart 

As we continue in this the second week of Lent, do we see any changes in ourselves in regards to turning away from what is not of God to turning more fully towards pleasing the Lord in all things? If so, continue in this direction. If not, renew your commitment to confront areas of sin, so that we can experience the presence of God in a fuller way. For confronting sin is the real focus of Lent. For when we confront sin, we, through the grace and power of Jesus' death and resurrection, are confronting Satan. 

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