Thought of the Day March 9, 2020 The will of God

By 11:20 AM

"The real purpose of Lent is finding what God wants of our lives and sacrificing our pleasure, our ideas, our plans, our goals, our egos, for God's will and way." (Morton Kelsey)

We are sons and daughters of God. We belong to him by virtue of creation, redemption and sanctification. Our true happiness lies in be in union with him now, so that we can be in  union with him eternally. If love involves doing what pleases the other for the other's sake, then seeking the will of God for us and acting on it is the greatest love.

Jesus modeled this for us. In his humanity he sought the Father's will in all things, to the embracing of the cross for our salvation. We are called to imitate Jesus by seeking the will of the Father in all things.  Like Jesus we will struggle. "Father, take away this cup; not my will but yours be done."  Pray for the grace to embrace God's will in each present moment.


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