Thought of the Day March 24, 2020 Be a real hero

By 12:01 PM

I was just told a story of a priest in Italy who was on a respirator fighting for his life. Then, he heard that there was a young married man with children in need of a respirator, but none was available. The priest told the doctor to give his respirator to the young man, so he can live for his family. Shortly afterwards, the priest died. Heroism is alive and well in the midst of so much gloom. 

This reminds me of the words of Jesus: "Greater love has no one, than to lay down his life for a friend."  We may not be called to lay down our physical life, but we are called to seek the good and well-being of others. This is the great commandment. What can I do today to exercise this commandment? Call someone who is alone? Reach out to those who are isolated? Encourage someone who is depressed? Send a note to someone I haven't spoken to for years? The possibilities are endless. The call to love is the voice of God to us at this moment in our lives. It is a fundamental message of Lent.

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