Thought of the Day March 18, 2020 Hope in his resurrection

By 10:32 AM

"Lent is the “sacramental sign of our conversion” (cf. Roman Missal, Oration, Collect, First Sunday of Lent); those who make the Lenten journey are always on the path of conversion. Lent is the sacramental sign of our journey from slavery to freedom, always to be renewed. It is certainly a demanding journey, as it rightly should be, because love is demanding, but it is a journey filled with hope. Indeed, I would add: the Lenten exodus is the journey in which hope itself is formed. The difficulty in crossing the desert — all the trials, temptations, illusions, mirages ... — all this serves to forge a solid, steadfast hope, on the model of that of the Virgin Mary, who, in the midst of the darkness of the Passion and death of her Son, continues to believe and to hope in his Resurrection, in the victory of God’s love." (Pope Francis)

These words of Pope Francis apply primarily to our Lenten journey of deeper, inner conversion to the Lord. But, in our present world-wide crisis, they are applicable. As we continue to turn to the Lord in the hope of being spared and delivered, we have the assurance that we will participate "in his Resurrection, in the victory of God's love." Death itself cannot prevent this, because we share in the life of God, which is eternal. With St. Paul we can say: "Death, where is your sting...where is your victory." Our hope is in the Lord!

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