Thought of the Day March 3, 2020 Forgiveness

By 10:16 AM

One of the consistent major themes of Lent is the call to forgive and be forgiven. Jesus preached forgiveness of others as a door for us to be forgiven. Recall the parable of the unjust servant. He was forgiven his enormous debt by his master. But in turn he refused to forgive a small debt owed him by another servant. 

Recall in the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." Then Jesus says according to Matthew's Gospel: "If you forgive men their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive men, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions." (Mt 6:14-15)

In another place, Jesus said:"The measure with which you measure will be measured back to you."

Is there someone who has offended  you in the past that  you have a hard time forgiving in the present? If you wish to be forgiven--which you do not deserve--how can you refuse to forgive another--which he too may not deserve. Forgiveness is not based on worthiness but on mercy and compassion. For there go I but for the grace and mercy of God.

Should I not forgive the other in thanksgiving to God for the all Compassionate's forgiveness to me? Am I greater than God to withhold forgiveness? 

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