Thought of the Day October 21, 2020 In times of Crisis

By 10:09 AM

"A moment of crisis is a moment of choice, it is a moment that puts us in front of the decisions we have to make. Everyone in life has had and will have moments of crisis: family crises, marriage crises, social crises, work crises, many crises… This pandemic is also a time of social crisis....This pandemic, too, is a moment of social crisis....In my land there is a saying that says: "When you go on horseback and you have to cross a river, please don't change horse in the middle of the river". In moments of crisis, be very firm in the conviction of the faith....In the moment of crisis there is perseverance, silence; stay where we are, still. This is not the time to make changes. It is the time of fidelity, of fidelity to God, of fidelity to the things [decisions] that we have taken from before. It is also the moment of conversion, because this fidelity will, yes, inspire us to make some changes for the good, not to distance us from the good...Moments of peace and moments of crisis. We Christians must learn to manage both. Both. Some spiritual fathers say that the moment of crisis is like going through the fire to become strong." (Pope Francis)  

In times of crisis and moments of not understanding, we need to make the words of Peter our own. Many of the disciples of Jesus had a crisis of faith over Jesus' teaching on the Eucharist. Many walked away. Peter's response was: "To whom shall we go. You have the words of everlasting life. We have come to believe that you are the Holy One of God."

In times of crisis we can turn to no one other than God and stay on course with him.

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