Thought of the Day September 22, 2023 No cross, no resurrection

By 9:42 AM

 Some people try to go pass the cross to get to the glory. This is the in line with what Jesus taught. To be his disciple, we must follow him and take up our cross. It is through the cross that he redeemed us. He embraced it out of love for the Father and out of love for us. A life without the cross is a life without Jesus. But what was at the heart of the cross for Jesus? It was to do the will of the Father even if it meant death by crucifixion. What is at the heart of the cross for us? To do the will of the Father whatever he sees fit for us to remain one with him. It is not suffering that God wants but a desire to be one with him because of all he has done for us. Scripture says that God chastises his sons and daughters. The cross our chastisement. Like Paul we need to glory in the cross so that we may glory in the resurrection.

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