Thought of the Day April 8, 2024 I am the Bread of life

By 11:05 AM

 During this Easter season, I will be reflecting on the various "I Am" statements by Jesus in the Gospel. Jesus said: "I am the Bread of life." (John 6:25). He said this in the context of having taught and fed the multitude with a few loaves of bread and a few fish. The next day, the people sought him out, looking for more. When Jesus said that "I am the Bread of life", he meant it with a double meaning. My word will nourish you. My very Body and Blood will feed you. The people were looking for something different and therefore did not fully understand or accept Jesus' message. They were looking for another sign from heaven. Jesus was telling them that he is that sign, both in his word proclaimed to them and in the gift of his Body and Blood. We are nourished by his Word and his Body and Blood every time we celebrate the Eucharist, fulfilling his word to us. Are we like the people of his day, that want something different and fail to embrace fully the gift of Jesus as the Bread of life?

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