Thought of the Day November 17, 2016

By 10:00 AM

Even thought the celebration of the Year of Mercy ends this Sunday, our reflection on and gratitude for God's unfathomable mercy should never end. As his mercy continues to be poured out upon us, so our awareness of his mercy should never wane. Each day we benefit from his mercy. Each day we should show our gratitude by showing mercy and compassion, forgiveness and love to others. To receive mercy but not to show mercy is to eventually close off our opening to his mercy. Mercy is not a two way street between God and me, but an extension street from God through me to others As God renews his mercies everyday, so should we. Be merciful to others as your Heavenly Father is to you is not a pious wish of God. It is his expectation and command and will be one of the deciding factors when we face God in judgment.

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