Thought of the Day February 15, 2022 Jesus intercedes for us

By 2:24 PM

I came across a quote from Pope Francis that I would like to share with you. It is about Jesus praying for us at the Last Supper and on the cross. Pope Francis said: "Jesus' prayer is intense, the prayer of Jesus is unique and also becomes the model for our prayer. Jesus prayed for everyone, He also prayed for me, for each one of you. Each one of us can say: 'Jesus prayed for me on the Cross.' He prayed. Jesus can say to each one of us: 'I prayed for you, at the Last Supper, and on the wood of the Cross...We must keep this in our heart, we must never forget that Jesus prayed for each of us personally. We were willed by Jesu Christ, and even in the our of His Passion, Death, and Resurrection, everything was offered for us. So with prayer and with life, all that is left for us is to have courage, hope, and with this courage and hope to experience strongly the prayer of Jesus and go forward: so that our life might give glory to God in the awareness that He prays for me to the Father, that Jesus prays for me." 

How often do I reflect on Jesus as our intercessor before the Father? Not only did Jesus prayed on earth for us, he continues to lift us up to the Father. That means that we must be special in his eyes. Not only did he died for our sins, not only does he redeem us, and adopted us as sons and daughters, Jesus desires that we be with him forever in glory. So he intercedes for us. Our prayer is to be in union with God's prayer for us. 

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