Thought of the Day February 16, 2022 Our spiritual life

By 10:20 AM

If we lose the thread of the spiritual life, if a thousand problems and thoughts assail us, let us heed Paul’s advice. Let us place ourselves in front of Christ Crucified, let us begin again from Him. Let us take the Crucifix in our hands, holding it close to our heart. Or we can even take some time in adoration before the Eucharist, where Jesus is Bread broken for us, Crucified, Risen, the power of God who pours out his love into our hearts." (Pope Francis)

It is so easy for us to become so busy and involved in our day to day involvement in the world, that we can lose our focus. What is that focus? Should it not be our relationship with Jesus as our Lord and Savior? Jesus knew that we needed an advocate to help us on our journey to the Father. So he sent his Spirit. Paul tells us to follow the lead of the Spirit so that the fruits of the Spirit become evidenced in our lives. Coming under the Lordship of Jesus and following the lead of the Spirit will enable us to keep our journey to the Father on track.

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