Thought of the Day May 17, 2024 Spirit is Lord

By 10:25 AM


Spirit is Lord

In the Nicene Creed we proclaim the Father as the Lord of all creation; Jesus as the one Lord whom we worship; the Spirit as the Lord and Giver of life. Each is Lord in their own right.  In acknowledging the Spirit as Lord we are affirming he is God, worthy of all worship like the Father and the Son.

Our response to the Spirit as Lord is to discern and obey his promptings as the Apostles did. Do not resist nor stifle the Spirit. As temples of the Holy Spirit we are called to grow in holiness of life as well as to respect the presence of God in others. To say it in another way, we are called not to grieve the Holy Spirit, whom we received in Baptism. Sin grieves the Spirit.  The Spirit seeks to transform us into the new creation we began to be in Baptism and to be finalize at the time of our death. Through our yes to the Holy Spirit, we will reach our destiny, willed by God, to be with him forever in glory.


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