Thought of the Day May 28, 2024 Ask and trust

By 10:13 AM


"God, in His promises to hear our prayers, is desirous to bestow Himself upon us; if you find anything better than Him, ask it but if you ask anything beneath Him, you put an affront upon Him and hurt yourself, by preferring to Him, a creature which He created.” St Augustine of Canterbury

How often do we doubt God’s desire to hear and answer our prayers! How often do we turn to other things rather than to God! We don’t trust that God desires the best for us, when he seems not to answer our prayer for what we ask. Even in denying our request or delaying its response, God wants the best for us, because of his love for us. Jesus prayed that the Father would take away the cup of suffering, but submitted to the ultimate will of God. Out of love for us, the Father accepted the life of his beloved Son to save our lives. Ask and trust.

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