Thought of the Day May 9, 2024 Easter: I am the way to the Father

By 9:43 AM

 Pope Benedict XVI “St Augustine says that ‘it was necessary for Jesus to say: “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (Jn 14:6) because once the way was known, the end remained to be known’, and the end is the Father. For Christians, for each one of us, hence, the way to the Father is to allow ourselves to be guided by Jesus, by his word of truth, and to receive the gift of his life. “Jesus came to reveal the truth. This truth flows from the love of the Father for us. In love he sent hi# Son to be our Redeemer. In love he sent the Advocate, the Spirit of truth, to sanctify, anoint, and empower us for mission. In love the Father will send the Glorified Lord to raise our bodies to glory, if we died in Christ.

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