Thought of the Day March 17, 2017

By 10:12 AM

We read that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. Give me the grace to always show you, Lord, the reverence, respect and awe that is your due. I know that you will be my final judge. But I do not fear you, but honor and love you for who you are. Your judgment is just. I fear you with the filial wonder and admiration of a son for his Father. May my awe of you and all you continue to do in my life grow into perfect love for you. I don't want my relationship with you to be based on fear of punishment, though my sins deserve punishment. I want my relationship with you to be based on the love that is due to you from me, your grateful son. It is your love that teaches me how to reverence you with the awe and wonder of a child and to rejoice in your presence, trusting in your providential care.

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