Thought of the Day March 22, 2017

By 10:03 AM

In the OT, the command by God for the Chosen People to remember and teach what God had done throughout their history was constant. It was important to pass this on to the next
generation lest they forget and drift away from true relationship with God, which would be
detrimental to them, not to God. Again and again they failed to do this. God would send
prophets to remind them over the centuries. Their Sacred Scriptures and their sacred rituals of sacrifice helped. In the NT, Jesus continued this emphasis for us the new Chosen People. His teachings and actions have been written down and proclaimed weekly. We gather around the Lord's table to re-present his perfect sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Father. We too are told to remember and teach the next generation what God has done for us. Where this has been done over the centuries, faith in Jesus has been strong. Where this has not been done, the opposite is true. May we always remember, act on and teach the saving deeds of God, so that the chain of salvation history will remain unbroken. This should never be taken for granted, but embraced by each disciple of Jesus as a sacred duty of love.

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