Thought of the Day March 2, 2017

By 9:27 AM

Lent is our annual journey to the Pascal Mysteries of Jesus' death and resurrection.
But it also reminds us of our life journey from birth in nature and grace to rebirth into eternity, our journey to God. The journey of Lent is immersed in the greater journey to eternal life. Throughout our journey we are dependent upon the grace of God. Because of original sin, we struggle with returning to intimacy with God, our true identity. Because of the root of rebellion within us, the Law of sin identified by St Paul, we struggle with total obedience to God. The gift of free will is misused when we choose other than God, since we are choosing that which is contrary to our ultimate destiny, union with God. When Jesus calls us to take up our daily crosses in union with him, he is reminding us that obedience to the Father's will is the door to eternal union with God. We are called to die to that self-will which leads away from God, so that we can live in the will of the Other which is life to the fullest.

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