Thought of the Day May 20, 2020 Wisdom

By 10:18 AM

There is human, natural wisdom and there is the spiritual gift of wisdom which comes from the Holy Spirit. Natural wisdom comes from human knowledge and human experience and is learned. Pope Francis explains the gift of wisdom in these words: this wisdom “is seeing with God's eyes, listening with God's ears, loving with God's heart, judging things with Gods' judgment”. In other words, the spiritual gift of wisdom enables us to perceive things through the perspective of God. The more we are in relationship with God, the clearer is this wisdom. It is not learned, but a pure gift from God.

The gift of wisdom is for our use and benefit. It is to help us grow in our relationship with God, to grow in holiness. 

The charism of word of wisdom is given to us by the Holy Spirit for the service of others. It is a word given to a person for the sake of another to help the other in a particular moment. When Jairus was told that his daughter had died, Jesus received a word of wisdom. “Fear is useless, trust is needed”. It was exactly what Jairus needed to hear.

The fruit of wisdom is both joy and peace. To see things as God sees them and to act on this wisdom brings an inner joy and peace. To receive a word of wisdom for another and to share it brings a joy and peace as we see the effect of God’s word in the life of the other.
Pray for a greater release of the gift of wisdom in your life and pray to be an open vessel for the word of wisdom. The fruit of joy and peace will follow. Come, Holy Spirit, come!

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