Thought of the Day March 23, 2023 You are my witness

By 10:52 AM

 Why did Mahatma Gandhi say, "If it weren't for Christians, I'd be a Christian?" He became interested  in Christianity through reading of the scriptures. He was impressed by Jesus. "One Sunday he decided that he would visit a Christian Church. Before he could enter, he was stopped. He was told he was not welcome, nor would he be permitted to attend this particular church as it was for high-caste Indians and whites only. He was neither high caste, nor was he white. Because of this rejection, he turned his back on Christianity."

We, who are called by virtue of Baptism and Confirmation to be witnesses of Jesus Christ, sometimes give a contrary witness. We say we are Christians, but sometimes we live as those who are not.  Our faith is Jesus is to be both professed and lived. "They will know that you are my disciples by the love you have for one another." Is our love for some, like the quotation above, or is our love for all those loved by Jesus? Are we witnesses of his mercy and forgiveness? Or do we harbor grudges and non-forgiveness. We need to continually recall the words of St. Paul: "Whatever you do in word or deed, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Or as Jesus tells us: "Let you light be seen so that others may give glory to God."  Be the witness that will lead people to the truth, which is Jesus, their Savior.

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