Thought of the Day March 8, 023 Servant disciple

By 8:51 AM

 Famed psychiatrist, Dr. Karl Menninger once gave a lecture on mental health, after which someone from the audience asked him what he would suggest that a person do in the event of a suspected impending nervous breakdown. Everyone thought that Dr. Menninger would advice as a preventive measure a visit to a psychiatrist. Instead, he replied: "Lock up our house, go to the other side of the railroad tracks and find people in need. Then do something to help. Immerse yourselves in the the lives of others."

This is the message of Jesus in today's Gospel. If we are going to be his disciples, we need to focus not on our needs but the needs of others. Be a  servant disciple. Worrying about our needs only could be narcissistic. Taking care of another in the name of Jesus could be life giving. both to the person and to self. We are not called to be a door mat for others to abuse but a bridge for others to experience the love of the Lord.

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