Thought of the Day May 26, 2023 A new Pentecost

By 10:07 AM

 What was special about Pentecost? The Apostles, Mary and the early community of believers were called not only to be disciples, believing in Jesus, but witnesses, proclaiming him to others. When they experienced the coming of the Spirit upon each of them, they prophesied and praised God in a variety of tongues. They began to proclaim that Jesus is Lord and Messiah with signs and wonders in confirmation. Jesus had told them this. "Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father." We have been confirmed. Are we open to the same experience as the Apostles? Are we following the lead of the Holy Spirit? Are we proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Messiah? If yes, or if not, the celebration of Pentecost is a time to pray for a fresh release of the gifts of the Spirit in our lives, so that we can fulfill what Jesus has asked of us as his disciples and witnesses. Come, Holy Spirit, come.

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