Thought of the Day March 29, 2024 Lent: final but not final

By 11:39 AM

 After six hours of hanging from the cross, at three o'clock, the time of the sacrificing of the pascal lamb, Jesus, the Lamb of God,  cried out "Father, into your hands, I commend my spirit. It is finished." And bowing his head he gave himself to the Father, the sacrifice of his life, the perfect sacrifice of obedience and love so that we may be saved. It was business as usual in Jerusalem. It was business as usual for the soldiers who returned to their barracks. But to those who followed him even to the end, must now bury him with haste, for the Sabbath was near. In their love for him, they did not know that though it was Friday, Sunday was to come. They did not remember that he said that he would rise again. Rolling the stone over the entrance of the tomb seemed a finality. He will reveal more to those who believe. In the Friday's of our lives, we must never lose faith in the Sunday to come.

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