Thought of the Day July 12, 2019 Simplicity

By 11:17 AM

Jesus is the premier model of how to embrace this way of holiness, reflected in the first Beatitude: Blessed are the poor in spirit.

Learning from Jesus, St. Paul was a model of this beatitude when he expressed: “I know how to be humbled, and I know how to abound. I am prepared for anything, anywhere: either to be full or to be hungry, either to have abundance or to endure scarcity. Everything is possible in him who has strengthened me. (Philippians 4:12-13)

Paul learn the spirit of detachment or indifference. In his First Principle and Foundation, St. Ignatius talks about “making use of those things that help to bring us closer to God and leaving aside those things that don’t.”

In this regard Pope Francis identifies one area in a disciple's life where detachment is necessary. “First of all, try to be free with regard to material things. The Lord calls us to a Gospel lifestyle marked by sobriety, by a refusal to yield to the culture of consumerism. This means being concerned with the essentials and learning to do without all those unneeded extras which hem us in. Let us learn to be detached from possessiveness and from the idolatry of money and lavish spending. Let us put Jesus first. He can free us from the kinds of idol-worship which enslave us. Put your trust in God. He knows and loves us, and he never forgets us. Just as he provides for the lilies of the field (cf. Mt 6:28), so he will make sure that we lack nothing....We must be also ready to change our lifestyle and avoid so much wastefulness. Just as we need the courage to be happy, we also need the courage to live simply.”

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